Special Deals LEGO 8683 Minifigures Series 1 - Nurse
Sales of LEGO 8683 Minifigures Series 1 - Nurse and it will be sold out very quick!
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Sales of LEGO 8683 Minifigures Series 1 - Nurse and it will be sold out very quick!
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LEGO 8683 Minifigures Series 1 - Nurse- Sealed Minifigures: Series 1
- Nurse
Editor's Reviews:
LEGO 8683 Minifigures Series 1 - Nurse Dont worry, you will feel all better after this! Cheerful, professional and devoted to making people feel better, the Nurse believes that everybody around her ought to be as healthy as possible at all times, even if that means covering them from head to toe in bandages and checking every reflex in their body with a little rubber hammer. She can tape up a boo-boo, dash to the scene of an accident with a wheelchair or build a fully-functional MRI machine out of random spare pieces, all in a dizzying blur of motion?whether her chosen patient wants her to or not! The Nurse thinks that every problem can be solved by expert medical care. If she sees a child crying because its balloon is stuck up in a tree, she will try everything from checking its temperature to taking X-rays, trying more and more complicated procedures when nothing seems to solve the problem. She doesnt understand why the tears stop as soon as she gives the child a new balloon for being such a good patient, but shes proud and delighted that her treatment worked anyway. .. :: Read More Reviews..
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All data as of Feb 25, 2012 18:01:10.